I have three different portrait sessions. The "Love Yourself" sessions is essentially my boudoir/risque sessions, a place you can truly be free. I strive to ensure my clients feel 1000% comfortable in this session and I want my clients to feel like the beautiful human beings that they are. I have spent most of my life not loving myself, so I want others know that this feeling of depreciating your self worth is unnecessary. I want you to love YOU and all of you. Spend the rest of your life loving you for you now, because there are so many other things you need to worry about. Not loving yourself should not be one of them! My "Personal Branding/Portrait" sessions are almost one in the same things. At times clients will ask me to take professional pictures of them for their resume or self branding, while others are looking to grow their modeling business. Whatever it is for, I am here for it!